IMPORTS PRODUCT IMAGES FROM URL - NEW! UPLOAD IMAGE FROM DROPBOX PUBLIC FILE. PRODUCT IMPORT – SIMPLE PRODUCTS WITH ATTRIBUTES: add multiple attributes,comma separated, this means you need only one Excel row for each product!. IMPORT/UPDATE SIMPLE & VARIABLE PRODUCTS FOR WOOCOMMERCE. IMPORT ANY CATEGORY, TAG, CUSTOM TAXONOMY. IMPORT ANY CUSTOM POST TYPE WMPL translations. Product Tags (multiple comma separated). Product Category (multiple comma separated). If a subcategory/subtag is selected on the excel, parent categories will also be added/selected for the relevant product. Short Description – Excerpt (HTML allowed)Ĭategories/Tags are created along with the Product or Post creation if they don’t pre exist. Excel dropbox plugin update#
With the latest update you have an option to Import with same title even if this exists. Import any Post Type including WooCommerce Products with Excel
Multilingual! It is compatible with QTRANSLATE (using the relevant tags for the translations) and POLYLANG for Multilingual Import. Speed! The form is submitted through AJAX, so there is no page reloading.
Data mapping by drag & drop excel columns to post type fields, or automatch columns based on Excel Labels( if same with fields names). No more CSV Hassle! Website Migration Made Easy Import Posts, Pages, Simple Products for WooCommerce, any WordPress Content with Excel. You want to do a website migration without adding content 1 by 1? Bulk Edit Content from one screen? Use can now import content in WordPress from an Excel File with an easy Drag & Drop functionality.